Building our faith to build our future.

We are entering the most important season in the 14-year history of our church! Although this building initiative is about our future, we can’t underestimate how significant this opportunity is for your spiritual growth. We challenge you to GROW BEYOND your limitations!

It is a is a three-year initiative intended to bring the Grove Church community together to raise 3 million over the next 3 years. These funds will be used to help us secure a permanent church home. But this is more than a fundraiser or about our future, it’s a spiritual growth initiative. We know God will use this in our lives to transform our hearts and our community. 

For one, we can’t stop reaching more people for Jesus! “To Know Him and Make Him Known,” is not just our mission statement—it’s the heartbeat of our church. We believe God has even greater plans for our region. It would be easy to become complacent and do nothing, but “we won’t stand still.” While we’ve been faithful stewards of our current facility, we’ve outgrown it.

Secondly, We’re losing our church home. Our building is likely to be replaced by apartments in 2027.

Grow Beyond Fund (Goal $3 million)

Received so far...
Raised so far... 2%

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