What is Youth Camp?
Summer Camp is hands down the best thing we do as a youth ministry. It is for students in grades 6-12 and is an experience like no other. Students spend 5 days in the mountains spending time with friends and making new ones. The games we play are absurdly fun and the memories students make last a lifetime. At the end of each day, students draw closer to God with impactful messages and powerful worship. It’s almost impossible to go to summer camp and come back the same!
*FUNDRAISER AVAILABLE (details in Parent Packet)*
Want to see what we are all about?
We have JHM (Grades 6 – 8th) every Friday night from 6-8:30 pm @sdgrovejhm
We have HSM (Grades 9 – 12th) every Sunday night from 6-8 pm @sdgrovehsm